Back in Jo’burg, a town that is so rich in music, and a town that seems to have decided to accomodate me as best as she can, especially with music events. This time it was only a few hours after my touch down that Constitution Hill opened its gates for the music festival that accompanies the Human Rights Day activities here. I admire the fact that 21 March is celebrated here, a day that hardly anyone I know in Europe is even aware of, or would care about.

I had no ticket (free of charge, yet necessary to have), but I have friends here, as I realized again. I ran into Davison, director of the documentary Lost Tongue, and he offered me a spare ticket. I am so blessed here, seriously! (I will later realize how many people remember me, remember my name, how we met – it is just wow!) Another thing: I had put on my white pants, custom made in Kenya, and my favourite Kenyan t-shirt. Guys came up to me, saying how dope my pants were, and a designer wanted a photo so she could copy the style of my t-shirt. It’s funny how Jo’burg makes me feel like a celeb π

Now there is a lot of South African music that I truly love (see here and here), and this festival had quite some of it on offer: Sun Xa Experiment, the wonderful Msaki, and B.C.U.C. who have started recognizinig me from gigs as far apart as Soweto-Jabulani and Hamburg.

The rest is just pics … and links to clips below